I will continue working on adding new updates, as well as fixing the numerous issues with the pack in the later future. Wow, this patch update was long overdue for a while now. Again, I'm really sorry and I'm hoping to atleast have a more promising update in v4. Patch updates may or may not be halted however, in correspondence to the livelihood of the community and how they would be impacted of the matter. Ultimate, as most others I'm assuming are doing aswell. The reason I'm pushing this patch out now is in preparation of Super Smash Bros. Sign up Receive these membership benefits. Shield breaks are much more common with this despite the increased durability, and attacks are much more safe on shield.Become a member today and start sharing your creations! Throws deals more damage and are stronger. Damage output has been increased for all characters. So here you are! I didn't make nor do I own any of the images provided. I've made them as close to their N64 counterparts as I could, so you can use those as a basis for most things. It takes a lot of time and effort, and honestly, I don't remember all the changes I've made, especially with a mod like this. I'm sure a lot of you are getting sick of this, but I'm not doing a full changelist. The more requests I get, the more likely those requests will be met, so don't be shy, go ahead and ask me! I would love it if people could share this mod and get attention out for it. I don't know yet whether I will pursue giving all the characters their old moves yet, as that's a lot of work, and I don't know how much attention this mod will get. They have all been tuned to match their 64 physics, but a full moveset conversion has not been made. I made her attributes garbage to ensure she won't be selected.

It's a neat little combination, and I really enjoy it. But I got to thinking, why not do the same with the original? This mod tries to be as in line with the original as it can get, while maintaining some of my favorite aspects of Smash 4.

I also made Fast Smash, the mod that pulls the gameplay closer to Melee, and that was tons of fun. It was so fun to play as my favorite characters, pulling off awesome combos and fighting Master Hand for the first time. Remember being a kid, playing N64 all day? One of my favorites was the original Smash Bros.