Though much of the game is thematically similar to the last, changes have been made to balance, A.I., and difficulty to create a very different experience. It’s a world where there’s just as much to be gained from simply wandering around or sitting down than rushing into the combat sequences. The world feels more alive and considerably deeper than that of 2033.

Last Light goes deeper into the culture of the Metro than before, and indeed some of the game’s best moments are those scenes of civilization between dangerous territories - densely populated towns and settlements packed with completely ancillary surrounding characters with huge amounts of dialog that inattentive players could easily miss. The narrative sees our hero dealing with the consequences of wiping out the surface-dwelling sentient creatures known as Dark Ones with a missile strike, while also working to suss out a plot involving three of the Metro’s major factions: Polis, The Reds, and The Reich. Metro: Last Light thrusts players once more into the boots of Artyom, one of humanity’s last survivors in the underground Metro tunnels of Russia. Rig: Intel GHz, with 8GB of RAM, GeForce Titan GPU Metro: Last Light (PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360) Indeed, while Last Light is quality in many ways, it may disappoint those looking for more of what 4A Games offered last time.

The result is a rewarding and visually beautiful shooter, but one that goes so far in the refinement process that it risks missing the entire point of Metro 2033.

The sequel is a humble game in many ways, going out of its way to improve upon everything laid forth in the original. The claustrophobic Ukrainian shooter, fueled by an engrossing story and highly effective horror elements, was truly one of the great story-led shooters of its generation.ĭespite its dedicated fans, 2033 was nonetheless subject to a number of recurring criticisms, and these criticisms are all addressed in Metro: Last Light. Metro 2033 is a game so good, Destructoid reviewed it a year and a half after its release, finally giving it a scored assessment after the original reviewer made it to chapter three and gave up.