Also yes, you can loot the items from the Witch King + Nazgul but from Sauron you can only loot his hammer. There is also Sauron in blackreach who is in full Daedric Armor with and giant hammer that knocks everyone flying! Sadly I believe this mod is not being updated anymore but its still pretty fun. It also adds The Witch King who wears a full suit of Daedric Armor besides the helmet (The helmet is replaced with a renamed and enchanted Jagged Crown,) and wields a Mace of Molag Bal with a new name and same enchantments. It adds these people who ride Shadowmere horses, wear Daedric Gauntlets + Boots, Black Robes + Hood, a Dagger with a unique poison enchantment that will cause anyone who dies by it to be turned into a Wraith, a Steel Sword, and one of the Rings of Power. Words cannot express how happy I was to make a review about this! Even if you don’t like LOTR this will make your game very difficult.

(Well not so little either too be honest…) SUP SCRUBS I come with like four new mods, well not new to people who have modded skyrim as a LOTR fan for a while, but for people who just came into our little series of TES.